BRT Operations
Client: Transport Department, GNCTD
DIMTS has managed BRT corridor operations from Ambedkar Nagar to Delhi Gate at Delhi for eight years.

Client : Transport Department, GNCTD
Scope of Work :
- Detailed study and survey of traffic pattern - Non / Motorised vehicals and passenger load through public transport.
- Maintenace of BRT infrastructure including BQS, FOB, lifts and street lights constructed / implemented by RITES.
- Implementation and operation of Intelligent signal system.
- Implementtation and operation of CCTV surveillance at main intersections for strict copmliance of speed, traffic lights, lane, stop line and Zebra crossing.
- Implementation and operation of passenger Information System.
- Display of maps, bus route / time table, other important informations.
- Execution and implementation of advertisement panels / moppies.
- Detailment of traffic marshals for smooth traffic flow, compliance of BRT rules and assist elders / handicapped / school children for crossing road.
- Deployment of machines for merchanized cleaning of BRT lanes and BQS.
- Detailment of housekeeping staff of cleanliness of BQS, intersection and NMV & pedestrian lanes.
- Detailment of horticulter staff for maintenance of green belt.
- Design, construction and operation pf ctcle stands.
- Design, construction and operation of public utilies.
- Inform and assist govemment autority for removal of encroachments.
- Deployment of recovery vehicles for ensuring fast eviction of break down vehicles.
- Accident / Incident management.
- Provision of first aid.
- Development and operation of Operation Control center.
- Organising Awareness campaingn and feedback system.
- Complaint Redressal system