Comprehensive Architectural Services
Project: Architectural Planning & Engineering Services for Preparation of Station Development Plan for Redevelopment of Amritsar Railway Station.
Client: Indian Railway Station Development Corporation (IRSDC)
Ministry of Railways (MOR) as part of its policy of redevelopment of railway stations across the country has entrusted Indian Railway Station Development Corporation (IRSDC) as the nodal agency for the work of redevelopment of the railway stations with modern passenger amenities along with exploitation of commercial development on leasehold rights on the vacant railway land and air space at the railway station. The primary objective of the study is as follow:
1. Modernization of existing Railway Station
2. Commercial development on Vacant Railway Land
3. Focus on improving passenger amenities at stations by leveraging real estate available with railways to fund the development
Ministry of Railways is partnering with relevant stakeholders for this program including State Governments, Central Government and many Global companies.
The objective of IRSDC as a nodal agency vide this assignment is to undertake Technical Feasibility Study and Prepare a Master & Concept Plan of Amritsar Railway Station for the purpose of development and construction of modern facilities, commercial developments and associated infrastructure to implement the plan of Ministry of Railways.
Scope of Work
1. Review of previous reports/ available plans / drawings /data and verify the available drawings details at the site
2. Traffic Study and development of integrated traffic plans
3. Studies, Surveys and Investigations
a. Engineering Survey, Geotechnical Survey
b. Exiting utilities mapping, assess and plan permanent and temporary diversion utilities
c. Preparation of Land acquisition Plan
4. Development of Concept Plans & Master Plan of the project
5. Market Demand Assessment and Financial Analysis
6. Construction methodology, sequencing, scheduling and time frame
7. Social impact assessment including R&R Plan
8. Environment Impact Assessment and actively work with IRSDC and obtain environment clearance of entire Project
9. Preliminary designs and prepare design criteria / outline specifications
10. Project Cost and preparation of BOQ and Cost Estimates
11. Preparation of various Technical Schedules for the tenders, Tender Document and Management of technical aspects of Bid Process Management