Adaptive Traffic Control Systems
Adaptive Traffic Control Systems
As strategic partners with Centre for Development of Advance Computing (C-DAC), under the aegis of MeiTY, we are the ToT Partners for Traffic Management Solutions. We possess the licenses for the following technologies:
a) Wireless & Wired Traffic Signal Controller (Wi-TraC) including ATCS (CoSiCoSt & TraMM) developed by CDAC
- State-of-the-art ‘Advanced & Smart Traffic Controller’ with high speed arm 32-bit Controller
- Distributed architecture with master and slave topology
- Master-Slave configuration with wireless (ISM band) or wired (CAN bus) Master-Slave connectivity for LED Lamp switching
- Works on either solar power or conventional 230VAC mains
- 32 Phases, 32 Stages, 24 Cycle Plans, 20 Day Plans, 20 Special Day Plans, 4 Week Plans & 4 Hurry Calls
- Built-in vehicle detection (camera/loop/radar) & GPS Interface
- Built in Police Panel Manual, Forced Flash, Fixed Time, Semi-Actuated, Vehicle Actuated & ATCS mode of operation
- Vehicle Actuated (VA) traffic responsive Smart Controllers
- Centralized communication and control with ATCS operation.

b) Composite Signalling Cost Strategy (CoSiCoSt) Application developed by CDAC for real time monitoring of dynamic traffic signalling operations through an Adaptive Traffic Control System. ATCS adjusts signal timing plans are based on real-world traffic demand for / with Split, Cycle, Offset, Route Selection, Signal Coordination etc., & provides decision support views / reports through remote monitoring, administration, event logging etc.
c) Remote Monitoring & Administration through ICCC using ‘A Traffic Management Software (TraMM) Application’ developed CDAC. It can perform functions like signal plan upload / download, hurry call (signal priority), time synchronization, animated view of traffic junctions, time-space diagram, forced flash & junction OFF etc.
d) SCOOT (Split Cycle and Offset Optimization Technique) developed by TRL, UK is a dynamic, on-line, real-time method of signal control that continuously measures traffic demand on all approaches to intersections in a network and optimizes the signal timings at each intersection to minimize delay and stops. Timing changes are small, to avoid major disruption to traffic flows, and frequent, to allow rapid response to changing traffic conditions.