Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
DIMTS has been privy to rich public transit data by virtue of the many projects it has been entrusted with by its clients, and that includes its unique role in the state of Delhi where DIMTS’ platforms manage the GPS tracking of thousands of buses and commercial vehicles, and the ticketing on the buses across all routes. DIMTS’ Road Transport group operates the Cluster buses under the Gross Cost model, thereby being privy to various operations related data points. DIMTS manages similar data in other cities across the country where it either operates the bus services and/ or offers its many technology platforms. DIMTS has developed its BI and Analytics platforms to process this Big Data to bring out KPIs and insights for its clients, leveraging technologies such as Hadoop, Spark Cluster, Power BI etc. on hosted as well as Public Cloud platforms.

The solution has been successfully deployed in Delhi and Mumbai.