Highway and Urban Road Design
Project: : Preparation of Techno-Economic Feasibility Report and Bid Process Management for Flyover & Underpass at Rajiv Chowk, Signature Tower and IFFCO Chowk under NH-8 at Gurugram (Total Length – 6.04 km)
Client: National Highways Authority of India
NHAI has been assigned to carry out the works for Construction of Underpasses at three locations for signal free movement at intersections Iffco Chowk, Rajiv Chowk and Signature Tower under Gurgaon Expressway including conceptualization, detailed design, bid process management, implementation and construction.Subsequently, DIMTS has been entrusted to undertake the assignment and carry out the works pertaining to preparation of detailed project report and construction, tender & bid process management and Project Management Services.
Scope of Work undertaken by DIMTS
1. Concept Plan and Methodology for execution.
2. Engineering Surveys and Investigations
a. Topographic Surveys
b. Traffic Survey & Analysis
c. Geo-technical Investigations
d. Underground Utility Mapping
3. Preparation of Detailed Project Report and detailed design including Proof Checking by IITs
4. Preparation of detailed estimates for quantities and project costs
5. Preparation of Tender Documents / Tender schedules and Bid process Management & selection of Contractor
6. Construction supervision, quality control and assurance during construction phase

Project: : Consultancy Services for preparation of Feasibility Study Report for two laning with paved rigid/flexi shoulders of selected stretches of newly declared & existing State Highways (355.82 km) – PKG VI
Client: Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation (MPRDC)
The Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation (MPRDC) has been entrusted with the assignment of Consultancy Services for preparation of Detailed Project Report of selected stretches/corridors of State Roads / Major District Roads in the State of Madhya Pradesh for up gradation to Two lane with paved rigid / flexi shoulder configuration.
The main objective of the consultancy service is to establish the technical, economical, and financial viability of the project and prepare feasibility reports for upgrading of the existing road to 2 lane configuration. The viability of the project shall be established taking into account the requirements with regard to upgrading and improvement based on highway design, pavement design and widening of existing and/or construction of new bridges and structures, road safety features, quantities of various items of works and cost estimates and economic analysis.
Scope of Work undertaken by DIMTS
1. Preparation of Quality Assurance Plan (QAP).
2. Preparation of Inception Report
a. Review of Data and Documents
b. Road condition and inventory
c. Condition of bridges and cross
-drainage structuresd. Vehicle loading behavior (axle load spectrum), if available
e. Type and location of existing utility services
3. Traffic Surveys
a. OD Surveys, Axle Load Surveys, Speed Delay Surveys etc.
4. Engineering Surveys and Investigations
a. Reconnaissance and Alignment
b. Topographic Surveys
c. Road Inventory Surveys
d. Geo-technical Investigations
5. Preparation of Tender Documents / Tender schedules and Bid process Management & selection of Contractor
6. Construction supervision, quality control and assurance during construction phase
5. Preparation of Alignment Report, Traffic Survey Report, Utility Relocation Report and Land Acquisition Report
6. Preparation of Social impact assessment and Environmental impact assessment plans.
7. Preparation of Preliminary Design and Drawings (GAD)
8. Preparation of Preliminary Estimate for quantities and project costs, including the cost of environmental and social safeguards if any.
9. Viability and Financing
a. Financial & Economic Analysis10. Preparation of Tender schedules (DBFOT basis) and support in Bid process Management & selection of Contractor.

Project: : Consultancy Services for Survey, Crust Design, Cross - Section, L - Section, Rough Cost Estimate, Road Safety Audit, BOQ and other related works for Master roads from Sector 68 to 80, Gurugram
Client: Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA)
The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) has been entrusted with the development of Master Sector Roads in Gurugram from sector 68 to 80 for up gradation to two lane and as per State / National Highway configuration.
The main objective of the consultancy service is to establish the technical, economical, and financial viability of the project and prepare detailed project report for development of Master Sector Roads to 2 lane with State / National Highway configuration. The viability of the project shall be established taking into account the requirements with regard to upgrading and improvement based on design parameters like pavement design, development or widening of existing and/or construction of new roads, type of structures i.e. bridges, drains, culverts and related structures, road safety features, quantities of various items of works and cost estimates and economic analysis.
Scope of Work undertaken by DIMTS
1. Preparation of Inception Report
a. Review of Data and Documents
b. Road condition and inventory
c. Type and location of existing utility services
2. Carry out Traffic Surveys
3. Engineering Surveys and Investigations
a. Reconnaissance and Alignment
b. Topographic Surveys
c. Road Inventory Surveys
d. Geo-technical Investigations
4. Preparation of Alignment Report, Traffic Survey Report, Utility Relocation Report and Land Acquisition Plan
5. Preparation of Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Report
6. Preparation of Preliminary & Detailed Design and Drawings (GAD)
7. Preparation of block cost & detailed Cost Estimates and BOQs.
7. Preparation of Preliminary Design and Drawings (GAD)
8. Preparation of Detailed Project Report and Technical Specifications.
9. Preparation of Tender documents.

Project: : Consultancy Services for preparation of Feasibility Study Report, detailed design and Detailed Project Report for sector roads including design of street furniture and beautification of roads in the State of Jharkhand at 2 locations (Dumka and Mango).
Client: JUIDCO
The Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company Limited (JUIDO) has been entrusted with the assignment of development and beautification of urban roads in the State of Jharkhand and the project is being funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB). DIMTS has been appointed by JUIDCO to carry out the studies pertaining to preparation of Detailed Project Report for selected roads including design of street furniture and beautification.
The main objective of the consultancy service is to establish the technical, economical, and financial viability of the project and prepare feasibility cum detailed project report for development and beautification of roads. The viability of the project shall be established taking into account the requirements with regard to development / upgradation & improvement (structures required, street furniture, lighting, plantation etc.) based on best practices for urban development and guidelines.
Scope of Work undertaken by DIMTS
1. Preparation of Inception Report
a. Review of Data and Documents
b. Road condition and inventory
c. Type and location of existing utility services
2. Carry out Traffic Surveys
a. Reconnaissance and Alignment
b. Topographic Surveys
c. Road Inventory Surveys
d. Geo-technical Investigations
4. Preparation of Alignment Report, Traffic Survey Report, Utility Relocation Report and Land Acquisition Plan
5. Preparation of Feasibility Report, carry out viability analysis and Financial Analysis.
6. Preparation of Social impact assessment and Environmental impact assessment plans.
7. Preparation of Preliminary & Detailed Design and Drawings (GAD)
8. Preparation of block cost & detailed Cost Estimates and BOQs.
9. Preparation of Detailed Project Report and Technical Specifications.
10. Viability and Financing
a. Financial & Economic Analysis
b. Financing Structure
11. Preparation of Tender Documents (BOOT / EPC Basis) and support in Bid process Management & selection of Contractor.
Project: : Turnkey Consultancy Services (Feasibility Study, Planning, Designing, Tendering, Execution, Testing, Commissioning and Handing over of Project) for Development of Foot Over-Bridges, Pedestrian Subways and Underpasses at Park Street, near RML Urban Area in NDMC Area
Client: New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC)
The ever-compelling need to provide more road space for growing number of vehicles meant that newer infrastructure investments are more focused on personal vehicles than the need for allocating space for other modes like walking, cycling and public transport. Pedestrians are most vulnerable in a traffic accident; hence improving conditions for the safety of the pedestrians has been stressed at the central, state and local levels. Thus, there arises the need for building adequate transport infrastructure facilities to ensure the safety of pedestrians and allow smooth flow of vehicles. Keeping the same in mind, the New Delhi Municipal Council appointed DIMTS to provide turnkey consultancy services for the development of FOB’s subways and vehicular underpasses at various locations in Delhi.
- Mathura Road
- Africa Avenue
- Mother Teresa Crescent Road
- Park Street
- Ambedkar Nagar
- Pushp Vihar
- Mandir Marg
- Shahjahan Road
Vehicular Underpass
- Shantipath
- BKS Marg
Scope of Work undertaken by DIMTS
1. Assessment of the direction and flow of pedestrians during peak and off peak hours,
2. Determination of project site, Architectural assessment of the need and the nature of intervention required (Foot over Bridge / Subway / Underpass)
3. Carry out necessary survey and geotechnical Investigations, Detailed topographic surveys
4. Preparation of the Feasibility study, concept drawing,
5. Planning and Design, Preparation of Project Report, Project costing & Estimates, detailed BOQ,
6. Preparation of Tender documents for execution of civil works, invitation of Bids and award of work
7. Project Management Services (PMC) during construction stage.