Associate Vice President – IT
Information Technology

Information Technology
DIMTS has invested heavily into technology over the years to develop core competency and IP in key areas related to Public Transit. DIMTS’ Information Technology Business Unit has invested in Research & Development on application of technologies such as IoT, Machine Learning, Big Data etc. to the Urban Mobility space, and deployed those over the years in various projects DIMTS has been involved with, gathering invaluable field knowledge and insight, ploughing the same back into its solutions, resulting in a suite of time- tested Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) products/ solutions
Core Competencies

IoT based Automatic Vehicle Location System (AVLS/ VTS)

Passenger Information System

AIS-140 based tracking of Public Service Vehicles

Solid Waste Management and Water Tanker Distribution Management solutions

Mobile Applications

Big Data Analytics

Automatic Fare Collection System

NETC E-Tolling solution for banks (both Issuance and Acquiring)

Identity Management
Key Experts

Rakesh Jain
Chief Executive Officer,
HOD-Information Technology
Rakesh Jain, an Engineer from MANIT, Bhopal, and an MBA (Finance and IT) from MDI, Gurugram, has over 26 years’ experience, out of which, about 17 years’ is in the Urban Transport sector in India. He has led or has been part of several Indian and international consulting projects in the areas of urban transport, and intelligent transportation systems.

Associate Vice President – IT

Associate Vice President – IT

General Manager-IT

General Manager-IT